I'm happy to announce that my new Christmas novel is published and ready to order. It's available through Amazon, Createspace and now also through Smashwords! You can also pick it up at Weller Books in Trolly Square, Hastings Entertainment in Logan and Ogden.
I'm also available at Future Books signings: Baptist Church Bizaar in Ogden, November 13th and 14th Hastings Booksigning in Logan, December 5th More information to come! |
Book-signing Feb. 7th, Weller Books in Trolley Square and SL Tribune Interview! Check it out!2/1/2015 My folks found an interview in the SL Tribute: "Ann Cannon: The state of romance writing in Utah." I'm in it! Needless to say, I'm very excited. Annie Oortman arranged the interview last Monday for Utah RWA members participating in the book signing. Ann's questions were thought provoking. She explores the high number of writers in Utah and notes local author expectations, observations and predictions regarding industry trends. I think she did a great piece! If you go to the site, you can also see some pictures I sent in for the interview. My huge thanks to Ann, Annie, Utah RWA and Weller Books for putting all of this together!
BTW - reminder! The book signing happens at Weller Book in Trolley Square on Saturday, Feb. 7th. I'm scheduled to read from the book at 12:45. Sure hope I get to see you at the book signing. ![]() I've been interested in Shakespearean events around home. Happy day! It seems Utah is great for producing conventions and fairs. I've been researching the possibilities! Here are some terrific links for those like-minded individuals: Utah Pirate Festival: September 12 - 14, 2014 Thanksgiving Point Renaissance Festival: September 26th & 27th, 2014 Just in time for my birthday. I'm hoping to report back on this one! Utah Renaissance Festival: Last year this was a four weekend event in Marriot-Slatterville. Should come up in May of 2015 Intermountain Renaissance Art Foundation: www.ReneaissanceArts.org This is a great link for general information about renaissance arts in Utah.
![]() I've been studying overseas! I'm taking a class from the University of Birmingham and we're working through Hamlet. Yesterday they introduced me to the Shakespeare London Theaters Project, which has produced a series of videos exploring the several theaters that existed during Shakespeare's time. Along with the videos, they've produced several items for visitors including a map, a guide of walking tours and an app. This is definitely worth checking out! I've already ordered the guide. Here's the link: http://shalt.dmu.ac.uk/ Also, I'd highly recommend historians check out the MOOCS at Futurelearn.com. These are free global educational courses and I'm finding them to be remarkably well done. ![]() I've been eyeball deep into research and uncovered a terrific new source: "Quest for Shakspeare" by Joseph Pearce. Published by Ignatius Press in San Franscisco, this book came out in 2008. I couldn't put it down, and if you love research, you'll find lots of interesting detail with referenced sources that address both the issue of proving Shakespeare's Catholicism and confronting detractors of the theory. More importantly, Pearce embeds his research with heartfelt insights into the motives and emotional responses to the historical events of this period. Shakespeare, Pearce points out, was a man of great intelligence who was sensitive to the plights of his fellow Englishmen, passionate in his beliefs and dedicated in his efforts to address the political injustices common throughout his life. This is a time that is too often sanitized by historians. Yet, we can't truly understand Shakespeare or his work without understanding his world. I'm still digesting much of this book. I've no doubt it will inform my continued study of Shakespeare and his immortal works. ![]() Just a reminder that today on Halloween I'm able to offer my "Shakespeare's Witch" as a free kindle download. I'm limited in how often I can do this, so I wanted to be sure every had a chance. Just click on the pink link to go straight into Amazon. Thanks, too, for everyone's positive comments. It's a fun subject to explore! ![]() Thanks to my dear friends at UtahRWA who taught me how to offer an occasional free book! At least I made it in time for Halloween! All kindle users: Click on the link Shakespeare's Witch on Halloween to download the complete book at no cost! For my friends who ordered early and paid full price - "The Queen's Puppets" is coming along and I promise you will also get my first kindle copy free next year. For friends who purchased the hard copy of Shakespeare's Witch - get one for your kindle as well! Nook owners - I can't launch Shakespeare's Witch on Barnes and Nobel for another month - but it's coming!!! It'll be a great night to read a witch story! BTW, for my writer friends out there, I learned at conference that the more I include a search phrase in my material, the better chance of it coming up at the top of the search engine choices. ![]() This is just fun and I love to recommend local talent! Monday night I went out with my Aunt, Uncle and newly met cousin to the Golden Corral and, low and behold, we found ourselves entertained by Chef Hugh Taylor. Chef Hugh is a talented magician, jokester, and balloon blower. He looks a great deal like Santa Clause with a chef hat. I understand he's at the Golden Corral frequently, though I couldn't seem to get a schedule or much more information out of him. My questions were often segued into new jokes. But, he left behind a short stack of cards, including his 'green card' which may come in useful, and this cute little teddy bear with a heart, which I had to photograph for posterity. One card had his number: 801-556-3360. So if you decide to dine at Gold Corral, look for the odd clown with the white chef's coat, and sit back and Enjoy!
AuthorJodee Steffensen ![]() Historical and Romance Writer, Amateur Herbalist, and Seeker of adventure, new knowledge and all things good!
Hobbies? I've adored cats all my life. I came to love Shakespeare when I was introduced to him in college. I developed an interest in herbs when a dear friend was diagnosed with cancer. I learned about the complex politics of Shakespeare's world when another friend gave me a book, "Shadow Play," by Clare Asquith. Archives
October 2015